
Improving mental health using technology

Our statistics and datasets visualization page related to mental health is an incredible resource for anyone interested in learning more about this important topic.

It’s an engaging and informative way to explore significant trends and statistics. With interactive charts and graphs, users can quickly and easily understand complex data related to mental health conditions, treatment options, and societal impacts.

Whether you’re a patient, researcher, healthcare professional, or just someone interested in learning more about mental health, our page provides valuable insights and analysis that can help inform decision-making and improve outcomes. We’re thrilled to offer this data driven resource to help increase understanding and awareness of mental health, and we hope you’ll join us in exploring the fascinating world of mental health data!

Mental Health Disorders

Open Source Mental Illness (OSMI) fights the harmful stigma around Mental Health Disorders in the tech community by collecting and sharing important data and helping employers make their workspace safe and supportive for those with mental health issues. The dashboard displays various attributes from a survey that primarily focuses on 851 respondents from the United States.

-OSMI Dataset shown, Developed By Amarendra

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a common treatment for many mental health problems and experiences. It is based on the idea that how we think about situations can affect the way we feel and behave. For example, if you interpret a situation negatively, you might experience negative emotions. And those bad feelings might lead you to behave in a certain way.

CBT combines two types of therapy to help you deal with these thoughts and behaviors:

Cognitive therapy – examining the things you think.

Behaviour therapy – examining the things you do.

Patients are often asked to complete different questionnaires to assess how they feel and guage their mental health. This dashboard looks at patient responses to the following:

  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7)
  • Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item (PHQ-9)
  • Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) 

CWTS Mental Health Science Mapping Tool

This dashboard provides a detailed description of the mental health research landscape according to 280 research areas (based on citation clusters) related to mental health.

-CWTS Dataset Shown, Developed by Tim Willemse

Mental Health and Awareness

A Mental Health Survey conducted in 2016 is visualized here, showcasing attributes towards mental health and well-being.

Mental Health

-Mental Health Survey dataset shown, Developed by Priyanka Huddar

The Prevalence and Impact of ADHD

Based on 2020 US Census Estimates and ADHD rates, approximately 10.9 Million Adults and 7.45 Million Children in the U.S. alone have been diagnosed with ADHD.

ADHD in the US

-US Census Estimates and ADHD rates dataset shown, Developed by Jacqui Moore

Global Mental Health Awareness

  • Life Expectancy
  • Male Suicide vs Female Suicide by Country
  • Incidence of Male Suicide Rate per 100k of Population
  • GDP vs Suicide Rates

-Developed By Joe Petch

Postnatal Depression

The excitement, the joy, the happiness, the wonder, the pride, the amazement, the fear, the shock, the tiredness, the worry. 

This is the emotional rollercoaster of becoming a new Mother.

At what ‘should’ be the most exciting time of your life, most Women experience Baby Blues, roughly 1 in 7 experience symptons of Postnatal Depression and only a very small proportion (1-2 per 1000) may develop symptons of Postpartum Psychosis.

With adequate supports and medical care, new Mothers can overcome this difficult and challenging period. 

The following analysis shows the prevalence of Postnatal Depression across 56 Countries, taken from a meta analysis of 292 studies.